
This section describes how to use the various bridge modules and was written with the assumption that the user already has knowledge of the customer / order entry process. All of the components described in section two of this manual must be set up prior to using any of the bridge modules. A brief description of the various modules follows:

Order Validation -
Any spectacle order can be checked for edit problems prior to submission to the lab.

Automatic Order Transmission -
All spectacle orders are transmitted as they occur (no extra processing required to send order to the DVI computer).

Batch Order Transmission -
All spectacle orders are place into a queue to await transmission (requires someone to initiate the transmission of jobs waiting in the queue).

Job Status -
Allows someone to check on the status of a single spectacle job in the DVI computer.

Work in Process Report -
Allows someone to check on the status of all outstanding jobs associated with their location.