Maintenance and Enhancements
Maintenance consists of bug fixes and corrections of program behavior to comply with expected functionality. Software maintenance includes enhancements to existing applications and additions to the software that WEBSWARE deems to be of general interest. New enhancements are continually being developed, and are available every six months to customers with current software maintenance. Additional programming charges apply in cases of entirely new software modules and for specific requests that do not seem to apply to general needs in optical retailing or practice management.
Software bugs are given the highest priority in our development system. All urgent problems are handled immediately, and are consistently fixed on the same day that they are reported. Any problems of which WEBSWARE becomes aware from another installation will be automatically passed along to all customers and automatically fixed. There is no charge for bug fixes. Requests for modifications are discussed and scheduled with the customer.
Support Communications
With WEBSWARE Software Maintenance and Support, your management and system administrator will have toll-free access to software designers, programmers, and hardware technicians. WEBSWARE sometimes utilizes electronic mail to communicate with its customers. Users can save mail for easy reference.
New Releases
New releases to SAPIENT consist of major enhancements and collections of many smaller enhancements. New releases are available every six months to customers with current software maintenance.
System software (Linux, databases, and any other third-party software incorporated into the system) are under the control of the other respective companies. You would be responsible for keeping all software up-to-date in order to fully benefit from enhancements to WEBSWARE software. All updates to system software will come through WEBSWARE.
The monthly cost for WEBSWARE Software Maintenance and Support is based on the number of offices or sites. Software maintenance is billed monthly, in advance.
Normal support is provided from 8:30AM to 5:00PM Eastern Time Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Urgent support needs are handled whenever they arise.